58e OLAT Winterserie op zondag 16 maart vanuit De Brouwketel te Escharen

Overnight stay during Walk of the World Nijmegen

zaterdag 12 juli 2025

14:00 tot 18:00 uur
Sportzaal Onder St. Steven, Smidstraat 31, 6511 WB Nijmegen

In 2022, the organisation of the overnight stay during the Four Days marches of Nijmgen was taken over by Stichting Overnachting 4Daagse Nijmegen.


For further information go to the website of the Stichting Overnachting 4Daagse Nijmegen: https://www.overnachting4daagsenijmegen.nl


You can also book your overnight stay directly following next link:



You can register for several people and pay everything at once with Visa or Mastercard. You will receive a written confirmation of your reservation.


If you are unable to register, please contact ofni.[antispam].@overnachting4daagsenijmegen.nl or by telephone 06-46253919 (you may be called back due to working in shifts, you will see a number that starts with +32).